Thursday, November 5, 2009

Simple App to learn/teach MACID

Lets say I launch a spice store. The old school brick and mortar type.

1. Add/modify customer info
2. Add/modify product info
3. Enter/ Modify Stock status
3. Enter/Modify Orders
4. generate EoD sales, stock reports etc
5. Generate news lettres

Lets start with this basic requirement and keep adding more as we get more business.
Eventually, I want an online store too. And a community for my customers to discuss recipes and other stuff.
Lets use this as a starting point.

1 comment:

Ram said...

impact of disk i/o performance on initial state reset.
wonder about ability to marshall part or the state from files [ like virtual memory does]
would zfs dedup improve MACID performance?

how does migration actually work?
can migration from one state to another be performed lazily ?